My complete installation:
You can download my complete installation incl. the MP3 player and DOS as a ZIP file
Version 1.6 (incl. installation manual) and Version 1.7
Updates are regulary available.
The MP3 Player for DOS.
Frontend for MPXPLAY.
You can send txt files directly to your LCD display.
Nice thing to control the DOS start with a menu in your autoexec.bat.
C:\lcdprint.exe 378 20 4 choose.txt |
378 = LPT1
20 4 = 20x4 LCD Display
So your display will show this:
1. MP3 Player |
DOSLFN will show long file names will running DOS.
Start DOSLFN.COM in your autoexec.bat:
Use this version to prepare a large harddisk.
If you need a small mouse driver.
Irda driver for DOS. Good thing to find out keyboard keys
Another Irda driver for DOS.
DOS drivers for Creative Labs SBLive/Audigy 1
DOS driver for VIA On-Board soundcards.
Start it with the following syntax from your autoexec.bat:
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 |
Dos driver for Advance Logic ALS120 (ASOUND 3D-PnP) ISA soundcard
Works as S16 with MPXPLAY.
With this driver your harddisk will work with Ultra DMA - much faster than without!
Start it from your config.sys like this:
DEVICEHIGH=C:\Drivers\UDMA70\Udma.sys |
Device driver loading from autoexec.bat
This will load the UDMA driver from your autoexec.bat. This might be usefull if you want to start DOS or Windows. Windows won´t load when you start the UDMA driver in your config.sys.
\Drivers\UDMA70\device \Drivers\UDM\Udma.sys |
WLAN Support
You can use a DOS based Wireless LAN together with MPXPLAY. It doesn´t work together with MPXT because the DOS Network uses too much memory.
There are only a few WLAN cards with DOS drivers. You can only use PCI cards.
I recommend the Cisco Card:
Cisco Aironet PCM3xx or LMC3xx client adapters
A good ressource for how to build a DOS network can be found on DOS Solutions.
Click here to download a reference guide.